Into the Underground
Back in 1992, I met a physicist, Dr. Ricardo Carzani of Argentina who wanted me to help him get his idea out into the world. Dr. Carezani had shown Einstein’s theory of special theory of relativity wrong, corrected the problem, and found new equations which told a very different story about the universe. Over 20 years later, I have found more about the dysfunctional state of modern physics and cosmology than I did helping Dr. Carezani.
In 1994, I took Dr. Carezani’s work to 9 mainstream physicists and there I found the first resistance. They asked me about the implications of Dr. Carezani’s work and I said one was that the neutrino does not exist. One scientist said that they proved the neutrino with the 1987 Super nova. I then said “Oh, you are a neutrino scientist”. He said no. I then asked him if he studied the neutrino data and he said no. I then asked, then why do you say it is proved. He said: “I trust my colleagues”. Over twenty years later, I now realize that it is not trust but it is more part faith, part politics, and a lot of emotional neediness.
In 1996, I met up for the first time with a group of scientists who started meeting annually led by John Chappell. I found a group of people who were trying to confront problems in modern physics and cosmology including Einstein’s relativity, the big bang, plate tectonics, and the like. I started to realize there were others out there like Dr. Carezani. Years later, I decided there were enough scientists to attempt to make a documentary about the subject – a journey that would last almost 10 years.
Documentary Film World
I decided to take my mother on a journey to meet the scientists who were challenging mainstream physics and cosmology with the idea that if she was the main character, people wouldn’t feel so intimidated by the subject of the film. Being that almost all documentarian filmmakers had full-time “other” jobs, the process took over 8 years to complete.
In 2005, the 100th year anniversary of the Miracle year of Einstein, I took my mother to meet scientists who were showing Einstein wrong. We frequented a dissident conference and our family decided to do an experiment to see if gravity was a particle. During this entire journey, I was filming our family’s ups and down and in 2011, I finally had the footage to start putting together the film. It took over 2 years to finish the film in post production and in December 2013, we debuted the film in a private screening in Long Beach California on my mother’s birthday.
It was very well received by the general audience and I knew I had an entertaining and informative film. I knew that for such a difficult subject, I had succeeded in making a film for the mass audience. Encouraged, in 2014, I started submitting my documentary to film festivals.
Having made it to several finals, to my great surprise and disappointment, “Einstein Wrong – The Miracle Year” was never picked to screen. I sent it to almost 80 film festivals worldwide. It wasn’t for the lack of human drama, intrigue, or even an interesting topic. Let’s face it: with a name “Einstein Wrong”, how could it not intrigue?
Something else was going on here. And I started to piece together the problem which I had seen glimpses of over the journey in making this film.
Documentarians and film lovers, and especially documentarian film lovers, consider themselves very intelligent. In fact, they feel they are levels above the general public and consider themselves “intellectuals”. They claim to understand things the general public does not understand including science. They feel it is there job to be smart and to use their smarts to enlighten the masses, or worse yet, enlighten each other (other film lovers).
According to my conversations over the years with them on this subject, they claim to be “up-to-date” on all things science. They claim to have read all the latest articles on science and they claim to understand it. And therein lies a second problem.
Repeating Versus Critical Thinking
It is one thing to read articles that theoretical physicists and cosmologists, it is another to really study what these “scientists” are saying and to agree with their conclusions. This normally does not happen. Very few if any of the “social intellects” (those who want to be perceived as intellectual) go beyond simply trying to be able to repeat the arguments of the scientists that are releasing their conclusions. This is a big big problem.
The scientists in my documentary from the John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society (CNPS) who have been together for more than 20 years are full of scientists, professors, engineers, professionals, and laymen who have actually looked at the basis of the theoretical work and almost 3000 scientists from almost 80 countries have come up with very similar conclusions. These conclusions are that there are serious problems with the big bang, relativity, gravity theory, light theory, plate tectonics, and other areas that are not even studied much like structures. This group of people are different from the “social intellects” who make up the vast majority of documentarians.
Keeping Your Job Wins
The scientists in the CNPS are people who have no ties to a peer group, no ties to making a living at their scientific trade, and no ties to some theory. They are usually retired and tired of the “B.S.” they never could swallow easily during their education or careers. Simple questions like “what is the physical reason WHY mass should increase as it goes faster”, one of the tenants of Einstein’s special relativity. Or “how are there more than 3 dimensions, aren’t we simply creating math for things that are not real in the physical world?”.
When a person’s livelihood is at stake, they tend to not rock the boat. If you are a particle physicist who knows Einstein’s increase in mass is not real, you don’t go out and tell the world this if you want to keep your job. If you know the big bang is a bad idea, you keep that to yourself. If you are (like 3 not-to-be-named) theoretical physicists from a university send a private email to a CNPS scientist saying they never found a real black hole, but “come to our talk on black holes in Sydney”, then you obviously fear for your job.
All humanscationsmust find a useful task to for ourselves to justify our existence in this world. Some of these tasks include being a scientist. And if there is an established group of others in your field who all “support” a particular theory or direction, it is much easier to agree with something wrong and obtain that degree or that position in a university or company than it is to rock the boat.
If you don’t believe this, talk with Dr. William Lucas, one of the most promising physics minds in the late 70s who was groomed by the United States to be a physics star along with others. The day he decided to look at Einstein’s relativity and present his findings about it flaws, he was told as he left the podium that his career was done. He said “but I’m right!”. The response of his fellow students was “it doesn’t matter if you are right. You just don’t do that”, and his career ended right then. Since then, Dr. Lucas, a dissident scientist has come up with some very amazing work. But few know it.
During the filming of my documentary, over half the seniors in an advance physics class in high school said they would forgo truth in order to keep their job, or enter a prestigious school.
Nerds Want to be Loved
Having gone on this decade-long journey, I have asked myself: why do the social intellects perpetuate bad science? Why do they do so often knowing it is wrong? It isn’t logic. Logic will quickly lead you to going against what scientists often say is true. And you can lose your job as a professor, scientist, filmmaker, or film festival film screener. What motivates this behavior?
Being a true nerd myself, I didn’t have to look far. Sure, I’m different from a social intellect but I had the same symptoms of this problem before I “saw the light”: nerds want to be loved.
When I was in school, I wore glasses, was a very good student, but was very weak emotionally. I was picked on in school and especially in middle school, kids beat me in the hall knowing I would not hit back. I was very fragile emotionally and until I hit 6 feet 3 inches in high school, this really shaped much of my emotional side of my life.
Nerds are made fun of even today. I watch programs on the Disney channel my 9-year-old daughter watches and the nerd is always being picked on. They show the nerd as awkward, saying the wrong things, but there is always an episode where the nerd saves the day with their brilliant mind.
Put together these nerds who have been socially ostracized and often physically beaten all their lives, and you get a recipe for revenge. They want to get even. One way is to be smarter than everyone around them and for them to elevate themselves as adults to positions of the “extremely smart”. If you were in the advanced physics class in your high school and were picked on an ostracized, it certainly feels good to come back as an “astrophysicist” from MIT. People who are now adults and who are less likely to pick on smart people are now saying “wow, I always knew you were smart!”. The nerd now feels respect and even admired.
Nerds want to be loved.
The Atomic Bomb’s Real Power
Once the atomic bomb exploded in the desert of New Mexico in the 1940s, the world handed ultimate power and money to these nerds. That set up an escape for nerds not only to make good livings, but to be powerful. This power has gone to their heads.
Einstein started a dangerous precedent with statements like “if the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts”. Einstein was the first scientist in the modern era to predict something from theory that was never observed. This gave birth to “theoretical physics” which make experimental physicists cringe.
The quark, dark matter, dark energy, and the higgs particles are just some of the “imaginary” friends that modern physicists have dreamed up in their heads, and then went out looking for it. With countries being afraid that they will not come up with the next “atomic bomb”, they throw billions of dollars into the physicist’s world of unicorns in order not to fall behind. They would rather take the chance than having some other country come up with the “ultimate weapon” and then rule the world.
So theoretical physicist have been able to continue studying the mating habits, the DNA, the digestive tracts, migration patterns, cell structures, and the like of unicorns.
Weee, I’m a Radio
Unicorns don’t exist, so how do these scientists keep up the charade?
When I was in elementary school, there was a joke going around. The joke went like this. A group of kids came up to me (at least 4 or 5), and one kid asked me, “do you want to hear a joke?” With so many of my peers around, even though I knew this could not be good, I said “yes”. The one kid then told the joke: “One polar bear went down a slide and said ‘Weeeee!. A second polar bear when down the slide and said ‘Weeee! I’m a radio!”. The joke teller then said, “get it?” I of course did not get it. But with all my peers around, I decided it was better to say “yes”, so I said “yes”. The joke teller and all around me said “Ha HA! You’re stupid! There’s nothing to get!”. They all walked off to find another victim.
This is very similar to every engineer or science student that hears Einstein’s theory of special relativity for the first time. It seems magical that mass increases, time slows down, and length contracts just because you move. And move in respect to what? These “paradoxes” have been supposively been explained by the physicists yet when you hear the explanations, they don’t pass the “satisfaction” test and you either say “the heck with it” and switch professions to something real like engineering, or you do something much worse: you buy into the peer pressure, pretend you understand the explanations for the paradox, and capitulate.
The difference between the polar bear joke and modern physics and cosmology is that the peer group who pressures students into believing unicorns exists, knows they don’t exist, but are willing to live this lie in order to be respected, get their big titles, and most importantly, be loved.
Where Are They Now?
These nerds all didn’t become astrophysicists. They still live their lives, many of them with the terrible effects of being picked on by other kids when they were growing up just because they had gifted brains. This is not their fault.
They make up some groups as a “majority”, two of which are the documentary film industry, and film festivals. There is an “understanding” among the general public that film festivals and especially documentarian film festivals are run almost exclusively by people who consider themselves smarter than the general public. Therein lies the problem with my film.
Given that ALL nerds, not just the astrophysicists, buy into the lies of modern science and all their wormholes, black holes, mass increasing, big bangs, and unicorn higgs particles, they certainly cannot admit in front of everyone that they are all agreeing to “pretend” that these things are real and that their explanations for the paradoxes in modern physics and cosmology are easily explained and only understood by them.
So when a documentary comes along and tries to reveal this to the public, film festivals, as the physics world in general labels it as “crackpot”. With thousands of documentaries being sent to film festivals today which make heavy use of the internet allowing 10 to 100 times the films to be submitted to any one festival, they have to weed out films faster and faster.
And to be certain, these positions are almost exclusively held by nerds who pretend to understand the latest in science, physics, and cosmology and pretend to be the “stars” of their local peer group in order to avenge their being mistreated at an early age. “Einstein Wrong – They Miracle Year” gets quickly thrown into the “It was a nice story but it says Einstein is wrong. We can’t have that at our festival. It’s a crackpot film.”
Just take the 2014 film “Particle Fever” about the higgs particle on Rotten Tomatoes. The website Rotten Tomatoes is SO run by social intellects that they gave this film a 95% rating whereas the general public has really disliked the film because it was not entertaining. To read the comments on Rotten Tomatoes is to see the little lie that social intellects all perpetuate and that is:
“We nerds are smarter than you. We are not wrong and our theories are not full of problems. You are simply too stupid to get it.”
No, they are just too scared to reveal the lie.
Luckily, I got that joke in the 5th grade and every since, being a nerd does not require me to live the lie.
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