Archives May 20, 2017

Einstein Wrong

Geoff Hunter

Geoff Hunter worked as a mechanical engineer for the aerospace company Rocketdyne. Friend of David de Hilster via their love of samba percussion, David enlisted Geoff who is an mechanical engineer to participate in a gravity experiment that is in the feature-length documentary film Einstein Wrong – The Miracle Year.

Geoff also did boom for the Einstein Wrong Music Video.

Einstein Wrong

Watch Einstein Wrong Online

You can watch the entertaining and mind-tickling feature documentary by director David de Hilster online. You can either rent it for a few dollars, or buy it for $10 US. If you a science lover or just a lover of great films, the film is for you! It is made for a general audience and has quite a touching story about the de Hilster family as they take on Einstein and find their own miracles along the way.